Update: 2:08pm on 5/8/23 the date is wrong on the flyer. The tryouts will be on 5/14. Basketball tryouts for rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade girls will be from 5:30-6:30. This tryout is for students who did not come to the first tryout.

Our staff is taking time today to review student data and making plans for next year. We can't wait to see our rockets soar.

Thank you Autumn and April for the donut and coffee cart for Teacher Appreciation today. ❤️🚀💙 We feel the love!

It was our pleasure to host Grainger County today to highlight our Lu Interactive during PE. Thank you Coach Schaffer and Coach Harig.

Can't wait to see our EES alumni today at 10:00 for our "Legacy Walk". Thank you Kelly Cusick and Lindsey Armstrong for the balloon display and Amanda Green for the cupcakes. ❤️🚀💙 🧑🎓

"Another year, another chapter almost closed. 📚✨ From heartfelt messages to inside jokes, signing yearbooks brings a flood of memories rushing back. Cherishing these moments with classmates as we bid farewell to another school year.

May 6th
Good afternoon, Eaton families! Here is your Monday Minute for the week of May 6th.
1. As summer break approaches, please be watchful in monitoring your child’s behavior. We are reviewing expectations with the students but your help in reinforcing clear expectations and open communication with the school will help us have a smooth ending to the school year.
2. Warmer weather is upon us, and we’ve had to speak to several students about appropriate clothing lengths. Please help us out by double checking before your child leaves home. Also, there will be several outdoor activities over the next few weeks where tennis shoes are a must.
3. Teacher Appreciation Week is this week. Tomorrow is bringing your teacher a sweet treat, Wednesday is write a kind note and wear orange for Nurse Mark, Thursday is dress in your teachers favorite decade, and Friday is our “Chill-n-Grill” cookout for the staff hosted by PTO.
4. Upcoming events are: 5/6 Legacy Walk for Eaton Alumni, 5/9 4th grade field trip, 5/14 Field day and Kona Ice, 5/15 Student Celebrations and Spring Blast Party for good behavior, 5/16 is PTO Talent Show, Walk of Fame, and K Celebrations, and 5/17: ½ day of school with dismissal at 11:00.
Have a great week and if we can do anything please reach out.

Mrs. Slingerland's class had a glow party day with fun learning activities.

Today Mrs. Gairhan's students showed her loads of love as they they hosted a surprise baby shower. We all can't wait to meet the next baby Rocket. 🍼🚀

Great job 🚀 track team! We are proud of all of our kids and they did a great job. Madeline, Emma, Brooklyn, and Amalya earned a special shoutout because they helped pick up trash throughout the day for our team. More pictures and results will released tomorrow.

We wish our 2024 Track Team good luck today as they compete at the Robert Towns Track meet.

Congrats to our April Students of the Month!

Miss Hannah's class has been having fun with shapes!

🦩🌞Mrs. Stewart hosted a Summer Vibes celebration in honor of her scholars’ hard work and growth this year. She is grateful for her role at Eaton and the many delightful students. Special thanks to Ms. Sturman, Ms. Pood, Ms. Holly and Ms. Vega for their assistance with set up, management, and clean up!

Thank you Mrs. Hattley, former Vice Principal, for keeping our front flowerbed beautiful! We love the vibrant colors. 🚀

Rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade boys interested in playing basketball for the HPES/EES team tryouts will be Friday, May 10th at 5:30 for 3rd/4th and 7:00 for 5th.

Mrs. Byrd's class has been learning all about graphs this week! Today they used M&M's to make tables and each group made a different type of graph! They made a line plot, a bar graph, & a pictograph. Next they used those graphs to compare data and draw conclusions!

Our students showed up in blue & donated tons of coins for ALS. We aren't able to count it yet but we can report that we brought in over 150 pounds of coins! Way to go rockets! We will be donating the money to the ALS foundation in memory of Legacy Teacher Mrs. Rachel Greer!

We are so lucky to have a principal that makes our school such an amazing place! Eaton Rockets soar with Mrs. Baessler!

We cannot say enough about TVA! They have been amazing this year. They have helped with testing, sidewalk, field day, and teacher appreciation. They have a heart of gold and are serving our community daily. Thank you for blessing our school!