Wear your holiday socks on Tuesday!
We have a new EES 🚀 rocket. Mrs. Ogle and baby Grayson are doing great!
Candy Grams this week only! Stop by during arrival or lunch to send one to a friend.
🌈🍄The tribute gnome and garden flag will keep Mrs. Greer's spirit of making everyone smile alive! 👏 Let’s give her a gnome-nominal round of applause for the extra dash of magic to our school!
🎉Drumroll, please! 🥁We’re thrilled to unveil the winners of our Festive Sweater Contest! 🏆🎄 1. Schaffer 2. Wilson 3. Keas! 🏆 Thank you for providing a jolly mix of holiday cheer and questionable fashion choices. 🤪👕 Congratulations to our sweater stars - you sleighed it! 🌟
Audrey did a great job as our guest announcer this morning. Her words of wisdom focused on starting the week by encouraging others. Giving the gift of encouragement can come in the form of a pat on the back or a few words of appreciation.
12 days of Christmas fun: Wear green on Monday for Grinch Day.
We have something fun planned each day this week. Remember, 12/19 is a half day of school.
Don't forget... Next week is the last week of fall launch! Registration is happening now for 2nd semester spring launch at the link below. They need to be re-registered for 2nd semester in order to continue. Sign-ups end on Tuesday!
We love reading to our pets at home. Each student in 1st-4th received a pet in September to read to each night for 20 minutes. These rock'in rockets 🚀 made sure to keep reading even over break!
Thank you Two Rivers Church for blessing over 60 students with jackets, hats, and gloves this week. Our staff and students feel the love! ❤️
Who wore it best? Cast your vote by 2:15 today!
Mrs. Lufkin's RLA classes had a culminating party to wrap-up their novel "Because of Winn Dixie". 🐾🐶
Mrs. Hursts room celebrated the topic of “Unlikely Friendships” after reading "Because of Winn Dixie". Their party included dog themes food from the book. We have loved reading & writing all about the unlikely friendships in our world. ❤️
Mrs. Myers’ and Mrs. Dean’s classes finished reading Because of Winn Dixie, so we celebrated like Opal and her friends with Dump Punch, egg salad, peanut butter sandwiches, Littmus Lozenges, dog pictures, fairy lights, and pickles!
Lincoln was our guest announcer this morning. His words of wisdom surrounded the spirit of giving and that the best gifts are tied with heartstrings!
Don't forget to wear your festive holiday sweaters or shirts today to school!
Oliver did superb as our guest announcer this morning. He was a ray of sunshine!
Spring LAUNCH registration begins tomorrow morning at 8am at the following link. Information was sent home with your child today. Registration is open until next Tuesday, the 12th at 3pm. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Lane.
We hope to see you Thursday, December 14th, for 2nd grades Christmas Cookies musical.