Thank you for your service to our students and community! It was our pleasure to recognize these amazing Rocket staff member's with their years of service pins yesterday. 5-Carney and Gonzalez, 10-Humphrey, Tuttle, and Whitefield, 20-Larson, and 25-Dishner, Ezell, and Welden
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
2023 pins of service
Happy birthday to our September Staff birthdays!
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Sept birthday staff
Good afternoon, Eaton families! Here is your Monday Minute for the week of September 25th. 1. On Friday we sent home a family engagement activity you can do at home with your child. We have attached it to the website so you can find the activity in case it didn’t make it home. You would send those back on Friday for your child to share with their classroom if you chose to complete it. 2. We are entering week 2 of our Read-a-thon fundraiser. Continue to ask your friends and families for donations. We have great prizes this year from slap bracelets, t-shirts, guest announcer spot, surprise field trip, and even a Hover Board and Kart. 3. At this point in the school year all parents should be dropping off their students on the sidewalk, in the car line. We do not have the option for parents to walk up because it begins to impede the flow of traffic and can make it harder for your child to separate when they walk in. 4. The Rocketeer will go home on Friday so be on the lookout for that in your child’s backpack. 5. Lastly, don’t forget to wear orange on Friday to support our Vols! Have a great week and if we can do anything please reach out.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Bubbles to kickoff our Friday and lots of orange to get ready for Vols football tomorrow! GBO
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Vols 1
Vols 2
Vols 3
Vols 4
Byrd Vols
bubbles 1
bubbles 2
3rd grade
One of the many things that makes EES great is the people! Our Sunshine Committee coordinated a color potluck yesterday which brightened everyone's day.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
potluck Sept
Mrs.Gairhan’s mathematicians love working together to solve problems. Today, they practiced division by using counters to make equal groups and arrays! 😉❤️
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Gairhan Sept
Gairhan Sept
Gairhan Sept
Gairhan Sept
Gairhan Sept
Gairhan Sept
Gairhan Sept
Gairhan Sept
Come to our Migrant & Multicultural Parent Night on Sept. 21 @ Fort Loudoun Middle School! We will be recognizing the students who successfully exited the ELL program and share resources parents can use to support learning at home.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
parent night
We are always learning and growing at EES, even teachers! Our teachers stayed after school today for two short PD/Ignite sessions. Thank you to Mrs. Malone, Mrs. Hodge, Mrs. Byrd. Mrs. Lufkin, Mrs. Keas, Mrs. Gairhan, and Mrs Hays for presenting to your colleagues.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Ignite Sept. 2023
Ignite Sept. 2023
Ignite Sept. 2023
Ignite Sept. 2023
Ignite Sept. 2023
Ignite Sept. 2023
Ignite Sept. 2023
Ignite Sept. 2023
Ignite Sept. 2023
Don't forget to read to your pet for 20 minutes each night.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Bryd class adoptapet
Bryd class adoptapet
Bryd class adoptapet
Bryd class adoptapet
Bryd class adoptapet
Bryd class adoptapet
Bryd class adoptapet
Bryd class adoptapet
Yesterday Mrs. Lufkin's students applied their knowledge of magnetism while in science centers.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
lufkin Sept
lufkin Sept
lufkin Sept
lufkin Sept
Mrs. Wiggins 2nd grade STEAM class accepted the cup challenge this morning. They used teamwork and a few supplies to move different sets of marbles between the cups and then stacked and unstacked cups without touching the cups.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Wiggins Sept
Wiggins Sept
Wiggins Sept
Wiggins Sept
Wiggins Sept
Wiggins Sept
Wiggins Sept
Good afternoon, Eaton families! Here is your Monday Minute for the week of September 18th 1. Thank you to our wonderful PTO for the snack cart and helping with our Adopt-a-Pet event and kick-off. We appreciate you! 2. Students in 1st through 4th grade don’t lose your pet because we will have a special event in October, and you will need them. Also, don’t forget to have your child read 20 minutes a night to their pet! 3. Thank you for supporting our first Book Fair of the school year. Tomorrow is the last day to make purchases. 4. We have entered week 1 of our Read-a-thon fundraiser. Please ask your family and friends for donations to benefit our school. Our entire school will start reading “Dinosaurs Before Dark” this week and answer questions on Friday. 5. Thursday, September 21st is our county-wide Migrant & Multicultural Parent Night @ Fort Loudoun Middle School! We will be recognizing the students who successfully exited the ELL program and share resources parents can use to support learning at home. See the attached flyer to the Monday Minute email or check out: 6. Lastly, don’t forget to wear orange on Friday to support our Vols! Have a great week and if we can do anything please reach out.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
2nd grade students had a blast competing in Olympic events to wrap up their domain on Ancient Greek civilization. Check out the Facebook link for more photos:
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
2nd grade Olympics
2nd grade Olympics
2nd grade Olympics
2nd grade Olympics
2nd grade Olympics
2nd grade Olympics
2nd grade Olympics
2nd grade Olympics
2nd grade Olympics
Ms. Whitefield's class went outside last week to the reading garden to do their math test and had a blast adopting a pet for nightly reading at home.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
whitefield sept
whitefield sept
whitefield sept
Mrs. Hurst class adopted Reading Pets on Friday and read with mini-flashlights.  Reading can be so fun!
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
adopt a pet
Thank you @myfbclc for helping open car doors on this chilly morning. We appreciate your servitude and starting our students morning off on a bright note.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
sidewalk smiles Sept
sidewalk smiles Sept
Thank you EES PTO for the amazing snack cart. September's sponsor is Lenoir City Fitness Center! We ❤️🚀our community sponsors!
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
snack cart
snack cart
snack cart
Thank you Tellico Village Prime Time Players' Storytelling for visiting our 3rd and 4th grade students this week. Our students enjoyed their new program "Stories that Makes Me Laugh"!
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Tellico Village
Tellico Village
Tellico Villave
Thank you Tellico Village Prime Time Players' Storytelling for visiting our 3rd and 4th grade students this week. Our students enjoyed their new program "Stories that Makes Me Laugh"!
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
Tellico Village
Tellico Village
Tellico Villave
We had to re-schedule our Adopt-a-Pet event earlier this month. Our 1st-4th graders loved selecting their pet, naming it, & getting their adoption certificate. Remember to read to your pet every evening for 20 minutes. Don't lose your pet because we will have a surprise in Oct.
over 1 year ago, Eaton Elementary
adopt a pet
adopt a pet
adopt a pet
adopt a pet
adopt a pet
adopt a pet
adopt a pet