Thank you Mrs. Hattley, former Vice Principal, for keeping our front flowerbed beautiful! We love the vibrant colors. 🚀
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
thank you
Rising 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade boys interested in playing basketball for the HPES/EES team tryouts will be Friday, May 10th at 5:30 for 3rd/4th and 7:00 for 5th.
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Mrs. Byrd's class has been learning all about graphs this week! Today they used M&M's to make tables and each group made a different type of graph! They made a line plot, a bar graph, & a pictograph. Next they used those graphs to compare data and draw conclusions!
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
graphing m
Our students showed up in blue & donated tons of coins for ALS. We aren't able to count it yet but we can report that we brought in over 150 pounds of coins! Way to go rockets! We will be donating the money to the ALS foundation in memory of Legacy Teacher Mrs. Rachel Greer!
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
We are so lucky to have a principal that makes our school such an amazing place! Eaton Rockets soar with Mrs. Baessler!
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Mrs. Baessler
Mrs. Baessler
We love our principal!
We cannot say enough about TVA! They have been amazing this year. They have helped with testing, sidewalk, field day, and teacher appreciation. They have a heart of gold and are serving our community daily. Thank you for blessing our school!
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Rocket 🚀 Reporter:
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Rocket reporter
Don't forget to wear blue tomorrow (May 1st) and bring coins to donate for our Coin War for ALS.
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Mrs. Gonzalez's class worked so hard to write a book about kindness and being a "Rainbow in Someone's Cloud". We are so proud of these published authors!
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Ms. Hutchings class created their own board games using schools supplies and math problems.
8 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Good afternoon, Eaton families! Here is your Monday Minute for the week of April 29th. We have 3 weeks left for this school year and several big events. (1.) The Rocketeer will be coming home tomorrow with an updated May family calendar and information about Teacher Appreication week. (2.) Wednesday we are going to have a coin war between the grade levels. We are challenging students to wear blue and bring coins to donate to the ALS foundation in honor of Legacy Teacher, Mrs. Rachel Greer. (3.) Thursday is the Robert Towns track meet, and we want to wish our team good luck as they compete with schools across the district. (4.) Do you know someone who’s an Eaton Alumni graduating from high school or college this year? If so, make sure they know about our Legacy Walk taking place at 10:00am on May 7th. You can flyer on our website and preregister at . We would love to know who is coming so please take time to register. (5.) Teacher Appreication is next week. Monday we are asking students to dress in their teacher’s favorite color. For the remainder of the week, look at the Rocketeer for each day’s theme. (6.) A few big dates to plan for in May: May 14th is Field Day. May 15th is the Spring Blast Party for good behavior and Student Celebrations. May 16th PTO Talent Show, Walk of Fame at 1:50, and Kindergarten Celebration at 6:30. May 17th is the last half day of school and dismissal will begin with Top 80 at 10:55. Have a great week and if we can do anything please reach out.
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
We love our Administrative Assistants and we couldn't survive without them. Thank you for all you do to make our school soar!
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Any upcoming 4th and 5th grade girls interested in playing basketball? Tryouts will be on Monday, May 6th from 5:30-7:00 at Highland Park Elementary School. Contact Cory Frye at 865-386-3471 if you have questions.
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Good afternoon, Eaton families! Here is your Monday Minute for the week of April 22nd. Happy Earth Day! (1.) We continue state testing this week with 3rd and 4th grade wrapping up tomorrow. 2nd grade will test Wednesday through Friday. (2.) The Rocketeer will come home next week as we enter the final month of school. (3.) Do you know someone who’s an Eaton Alumni graduating from high school or college this year? If so, make sure they know about our Legacy Walk taking place at 10:00am on May 7th. You can flyer on our website and preregister at . We would love to know who is coming so please take time to register. (4.) A few big dates to plan for in May are May 6-10th Teacher Appreciation, May 14th Field Day, May 15th Spring Blast and Student Celebrations, May 16th PTO Talent Show, Walk of Fame at 1:50, and Kindergarten Celebration at 6:30, and May 17th is the last half day of school. Have a great week and if we can do anything please reach out.
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Prek had a blast today @TennesseeEliteGymnastics. Thank you for hosting us.
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Mrs Quesenberry class had a glow in the dark game to prepare for TN ready Math next week.
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
glow math
glow math
glow math
glow math
glow math
glow math
glow math
glow math
glow math
glow math
In March, Mrs. Byrds class participated in an IXL challenge to encourage students to practice skills to prepare for TN Ready testing! The top 5 students were awarded today! Together these students answered 7,183 2nd grade questions correctly!
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Prek was living their best life today! They revamped octopus 🐙 tag to get some exercise and review skills. They also reviewed their water cycle unit. They talked about precipitation and evaporation and made predictions about what should happen to their cloud in a jar. Check out the videos on our Facebook page:
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Kindergarten enjoyed having the Muse Knoxville come today to host a in-house field trip.
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary
Prek is having a blast today reviewing letters, sounds, numbers, and shapes. They extended the learning by creating cvc words before cleaning up.
9 months ago, Eaton Elementary